Immigrant Support Program

We provide wraparound services and case management to support new immigrants and refugees to achieve immediate stability, enhance their ability to secure and maintain employment, and facilitate inclusion and integration into the community.

Job search & Placement

We are dedicated to helping individuals and community members find jobs in Madison and Dane County. Our goal is to support community members in their career pursuits and enhance their chances of securing employment.

We are also a referral agency for the City of Madison’s Referrals and Interviews for Sustainable Employment (RaISE) Program. As a referral agency, we connect job seekers with employment opportunities, ensuring that candidates who meet the job requirements are referred for suitable positions. 

Contact our outreach officers for assistance. See our service schedule below for appointments and walk-ins.

In-person service schedule

**We will regularly update our schedule to reflect any necessary changes.

We always cater to walk-ins, but we encourage you to make an appointment.

Contact our staff for appointment: 

Henry: (608) 957-5623 | Lydia: (608) 294-0066

Email: |

Survey on immigration workshops

We want to organize quarterly immigration workshops for the benefit of our community. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping workshops that will not only be relevant but genuinely enriching. As we gear up for an exciting lineup of workshops in 2024, we want to ensure that our programming aligns with the interests and needs of our diverse community.

It takes only 60 seconds to complete the survey.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas with us. Your input is invaluable as we strive to create meaningful workshops that address the needs and concerns of our immigrant community.

African Center immigration workshop survey

Help us create workshops that can address your questions on immigration! It takes only 1-minute to add your voice.

Contact us for more information:

Support for undocumented immigrants

Undocumented African immigrants and families have multifaceted challenges that were particularly exacerbated by the social distress and immense financial hardships resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our program aims to provide critical assistance to undocumented immigrants and their families in Madison and Dane County.

What our program provides:

  • Case management
  • Financial assistance with immigration legal fees
  • Financial assistance for vocational training and job mentorship
  • 31-day Metro bus passes
  • Connect participants with community-based English as a Second Language (ESL) learning centers
  • Grocery cards
  • Prescription cost assistance

We also connect participants to other community services, including food pantries, clothing closets, and free/no-cost medical clinics to further meet their basic needs.

our impact

Immigrants Supported
For legal immigration support to address barriers facing undocumented immigrants
$ 0
For Metro bus passes to facilitate access to transportation for new immigrants​ and their families.
$ 0
For job training to enhance career prospects and integration into the workforce​
$ 0
For grocery cards to address food insecurity among those impacted by COVID-19
$ 0

What beneficiaries are saying...

Our Program Partners

City of Madison logo
Oscar Rennebohm Foundation Logo
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